With his work End of a New Dawn, Von Morisse was the Winner of the “Best New Contemporary Artists Award 2005” at the Kunstnerenes Hus Museum in Oslo, Norway were the works were exhibited. That same year, The 9 silver gelatin prints (43 x 43 in.) were  exhibited in New York at Mckenzie Fine Art. The works received critical acclaim and were  reviewed in Art in America in October 2005, “Andre von Morisse at McKenzie”, by Jonathan Goodman, p.180, illus.

End of a New Dawn explores the relationship between painting and photography “reversing" the traditional roles of the two mediums by using paintings as the starting point for an elaborate and intricate photographic process. The large-scale photographs use paintings invented and made by von Morisse as the subject matter of the photographs. The 9 paintings, in black and white, depict witty, time scrambling visions of sci-fi future stocked with technologies of the recent past. The artist painted then photographed the paintings, enlarging the images so that they take on a soft focus. That process seems to undermine accuracy and truth of photography. The title End of a New Dawn refers with nostalgia to the immense technological promises of the 60’s & the 70’s, before they dissipated into the ambiguities of the information age. 


The artist made nine original paintings, oil on canvas, each 22 x 22 in., that he then photographed and enlarged in 43 x 43 in. silver gelatin prints. the paintings were never exhibited, only the silver gelatin prints.

The unique custom coffret includes: 9 silver gelatin prints (24 x 20 in.); reproductions of the original concept drawings; press review; artist statement (22 pages).



Andre Von Morisse is a multi-disciplinary artist. For his body of work END OF A NEW DAWN he uses his grisaille oil paintings as the starting point that steps into the photographic realm process that lends his scenes a veneer of credence and historical veracity. He explains the process of its creation. He is seen here in his studio in Bushwick Brooklyn.

© L’Esprit du Monde, 2015 Filmed and Edited by Evelyne Jousset; with photographs by Adolfo Doring, Sergio Purtell and Silas Shabelewska.


MEER ART, May 23, 2023

THE MORNING NEWS, February 12, 2007

ART IN AMERICA, October 2005